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Doors and ventilation grilles for The Forum Groningen
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Doors and ventilation grilles for The Forum Groningen

It is located in the middle of Groningen: The Forum Groningen. This cultural center is seen as the living room of the city. With their recurring theme: 'Explore the world, meet the future', they know how to surprise visitors again and again.

We were allowed to supply the doors and ventilation grilles for this well-known Groningen building. We will update you.

The challenge

Are you familiar with The Forum Groningen? Then you probably know that this building has a special architecture. The shape of the building means that we could not 'just' install our doors and grilles: our products sometimes had to be tilted by up to 24 degrees. Of course, this tilting had consequences, because it could cause the door to close hard, which in turn creates a risk of trapping. And the following applies to the ventilation grilles: how water-resistant are they if they are out of plumb? You understand, we faced quite a challenge.

Beautiful and functional

So looking for solutions. We explored the possibilities together with the customer. In addition to being functional, our doors and ventilation grilles must also be beautiful and fit into the whole of the building. We quickly came to a great solution that was suitable for both parties. To work!

Curious about our products?

Our doors can be found in the parking lot and outside the technical areas on the ground floor. Our ventilation grilles are located high in the building. Scroll through the photos on the left and see the result for yourself!

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