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Development and production of the Trouvé design lamp
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Development and production of the Trouvé design lamp

What lamps and JAZO have in common? Well, a lot for a while now. At least, when we talk about the Trouvé table lamp . We helped develop this designer lamp!

How it started

Product designer Marten van Middelkoop had designed the lamp, after which Nancy Hoffmann (developer/producer) immediately fell in love with it. 'This must be brought to reality!', she thought, and immediately gathered a team of artists and designers around her, all of whom became responsible for their 'own' piece of lamp. This includes designing the packaging, creating a manual, developing a promotional video and creating a cool photo presentation. Everything was thought of!

Nancy & JAZO

But of course the lamp itself also had to be produced. Through a mutual acquaintance, Nancy came to JAZO with the request to turn the lamp into a manufacturable product. A unique opportunity that we naturally seized with both hands!


The lamp consists of an aluminum extrusion profile that had to be produced in the Netherlands. Now, Dutch extrusion companies hardly receive this question and it was also a fairly complicated profile, which presented us with an enormous challenge. Possible problems were, for example, that pressing could cause instability due to the long ribs of the profile. Or that the mold could break due to the enormous force that would come upon it. Ultimately, together with Hydro (extrusion company) and Nancy, we managed to adapt the design so that it can be extruded. We have also added extra features that make mounting the lamp easier.

This makes the lamp extra special

The lamp contains a high-quality LED that retains its color and is easy to dim. The transformer for the LED is also incorporated in the lamp, which means that the entire lamp had to be grounded because of the 220V. We have also developed a frame on which the lamp is attached and which holds the bottom of the 2 large extrusion halves together. The top is held together by strong magnets. Milling had to be done to incorporate the cord, dimmer button and magnets into the extrusion. Finally, we have made the long rod on which the acrylic plate is attached smarter, by making it screwable and equipped with crank bolts.

Customer response

''The collaboration with JAZO was very pleasant. A lot of thought went into our product, while the Trouvé lamp is of course far from a common product. JAZO, and especially Pierre Schreven and Max Turling, have put their heart and soul into it. As a small business owner, they have never made me feel 'small and insignificant'. Anyway, a fantastic collaboration that makes me recommend JAZO to everyone!'' - Nancy Hoffmann
*photo credits: Milan Boonstra

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